About Christ Lutheran Church
Christ Lutheran is a dynamic congregation of followers of Jesus located in Hilo, Hawaii. Our beliefs are based on the Bible and centered on Jesus Christ. Our mission is very simple: to help people Experience Christ's Love. That means we’re not about a building or some complicated religious system, but about helping people from all backgrounds discover the joy that comes from being loved by, and knowing and serving Jesus Christ.
During the pandemic, we practiced extra safety measures while holding our worship services in person AND we offered a recorded service online for those who preferred. We continue to provide a recorded service which can be viewed on the MESSAGES page here OR on our Facebook page at Christ Lutheran Church Hilo, HI even if you don't have a Facebook page yourself. The Sunday service is usually posted by Saturday evening (Hawaii time), but will remain available anytime thereafter.
Here is a link to our "What to Expect" page as you consider coming. You will find different videos that will help you find your way.
We know that going to a new church can be intimidating, so we try to do things in a way so you’ll feel welcome and not like an outsider. When you come, you can participate or just sit back and observe. You’ll discover a welcoming atmosphere, with friendly (but not pushy) people who are loving God and our neighbor as we follow Jesus together.
Regardless of where you are on your faith journey, you are a valued part of God’s creation, He loves you, and His deep desire is to be in a relationship with you. None of us are perfect, but God's love and forgiveness is offered to all of us in Jesus.
Some people wonder what makes a Lutheran church different from others, but our source for all we believe and do is the Bible. We celebrate the fact that we love God because He first loved us and that we are saved by His grace through faith in Jesus Christ and not by virtue of our works. In fact, long before we realize that we need God, He has been loving us. Before we get our act together or try to be holy, He has done what's needed to fix the problem of our failure to be godly people. God demonstrates His love for us in the fact that while we were still sinners and condemned to an eternity separated from God, Jesus came to take our punishment and died as a criminal in our place. His death pays our debt and His resurrection from the dead demonstrates God's power over our sin, death and all the forces of evil. By believing (faith) in Jesus and His work of dying and rising, everyone can spend eternity with God.
We are the only Lutheran church on the east side of the big island and so we welcome people from a variety of backgrounds, whether they are Lutheran or not. We are a part of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, but more than that, we are excited to be a part of helping Jesus' Kingdom grow as we share His Word and Love with all people; to Experience Christ's Love.
At Christ Lutheran we value the family and we believe church should be a place for people of all ages. We welcome children to be with their family in worship, but also provide a place where they can move around a bit more when needed and their parent can still hear the service. During the school year, Sunday School is offered for all ages and there are fun activities for kids and youth. Adults gather for classes and Bible Studies on Sundays between services, during the week in small gatherings, and sometimes online. We also have lots of fun opportunities for fellowship throughout the year.
Christ Lutheran Church is guided by a leadership team who provide overall direction and watch over the spiritual needs of our people. Our pastor provides sound, practical, biblical teaching as well as pastoral care for those in need. Christ Lutheran is blessed to have a Board of Deacons and a Church Council who are truly dedicated to Christ and accomplishing His will. Click here to meet our staff.