Worship at Christ Lutheran
Worship helps us Experience Christ's Love!
Regardless of the style of service, we believe that when we gather together for worship, we are participating in an exchange with Almighty God. He calls us to gather around His Word and the Sacraments of Baptism and Communion so we can receive His Grace and Mercy.
We come with humility, recognizing that we have failed to live like the people He created and calls us to be. Confessing our shortcomings and brokenness, we receive His forgiveness delivered in the powerful and comforting words of absolution (the good news that our sins have been removed) in Christ. Having been assured of our forgiveness, we can joyfully celebrate and receive God's Word through the readings of scripture and the message for the day. We can honor and praise Him with our voices as we sing and share our gifts as an offering, and by the affirmation of our faith in the words of one of the ancient, but meaningful creeds of the Church. As we pray for the needs of people in our church, the community and the world, we then share together in saying and sometimes singing the Lord's Prayer which is the prayer Jesus gave us.
Before we are ready to leave though, we have our faith strengthened through the gift of Holy Communion. We are reminded of Jesus' words that in the bread and the cup we receive the real presence of His body and blood which is given for our forgiveness and the strengthening of our faith. Joyfully we conclude our time of worship as we get ready to "go in peace and serve the Lord"
Join us for one of our Sunday morning services at 8:00 or 10:30AM where Communion is served each Sunday at both. To get a feel for our current worship services, check out the MESSAGES Tab or view this VIDEO that will explain more of the order of things.
Music Ministry at Christ Lutheran
One of the great gifts God has given us is music and we celebrate that gift at every Sunday worship service and with special presentations and concerts during the year. We are exploring putting together a new choral group that will help lead our singing during services as well as provide special music from time to time.
Organs and instruments
While we are blessed to have a premier organist in Walter Greenwood and an organ that is worthy of his skill, we also embrace other instruments as we worship our Lord. God's Word remains at the center even was we expand the styles of worship to reach people of various backgrounds. Our prayer is that each worship service will be a meaningful bridge for the Gospel to be heard and for God to be glorified by more people.
We also include a couple of more contemporary songs during worship that are specifically chosen to reinforce the theme for the day and to reflect the joy we have because of Christ's love and forgiveness. From time to time, our bell choir also provides special music during our services.