Christian Education
Since both knowing and growing in Christ are central to our mission, we provide a number of ways for people of all ages to learn more about Jesus and His love for us. Since we never outgrow learning or becoming more like Christ, we encourage people of all ages to continue to grow in their faith by being involved in a Bible Study or small group.
Sunday School
While the name may not sound that exciting, our kids get an opportunity throughout the school year to gather and learn more about God's Word and about how much God loves them. Lessons are taught on two weekends and learning activities on the others. We invite parents to connect with us and we will help you with resources for your children, or grandchildren to use at home. Sometimes we partner with Our Savior Lutheran on Oahu and their Director of Christian Education there who has provided online Vacation Bible School and other opportunities for our kids and families.
Cross Walk
This group is designed for our kids ages 9-12 and provides a fun way for them to build friendships with each other and a place where they can invite their friends. Outdoor movies, pizza parties, water play, and game days are just a few of the fun activities the Cross Walk has offered. Even the adults get involved at times.
Adult Bible Study
Sunday morning Pastor Mark leads an adult class between services in the back large classroom in the fellowship hall. While the topics vary, the scripture is always a key component.
Wednesday mornings at 10:00 most weeks, a group of adults gather for Bible Study at church. Usually they meet in the back fellowship hall, but sometimes they find a different spot. Regardless of the room, they always find God's Word to be engaging and helpful. You are welcome to join them for this hour of study. Most Sundays,
Saturday mornings find our Men's Fellowship group gathering to study together and there are also study opportunities for women throughout the year.