The latest at Christ Lutheran Church
Stay up to date with the happenings of Christ Lutheran Church by visiting our blog. You'll find information such as announcements, sermon ideas or messages from Pastor Mark to encourage and challenge your walk with the Lord.
California Fires Support
by: Mark Zier
We join in praying for the people of southern California as the terrible wildfires devastate so many homes and property, as well as in the loss of life. The following prayer was sent out by the Pacific Southwest District of our church body and we share in praying it with all of them.
Should you wish to provide other support, this LINK will take you to their website on a separate page.
Thank you for lifting them up in prayer!
“Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and wil more
Fantastic Fall
by: Mark Zier
I have been reflecting lately on so many wonderful things I see God doing in and through our congregation. We received another group of New Members at the end of September, we hosted an LWML Women's Retreat up at Kilauea Military Camp in Volcanoes National Park that was attended by 35 women, we have a young man who will go through the Rite of Confirmation on Reformation Sunday which is also the day of our Oktoberfest after service, and we continue to welcome new people int more
No Services Sunday August 25th
by: Mark Zier
No activities at church today, August 25th.
Due to the hurricane and dangerous conditions, please stay home or wherever you are safe and worship with us online by going to the MESSAGES page here. more
No Summer Slump Here
by: Mark Zier
Christ Lutheran is a wonderful gathering of very active people and that doesn't change just because school's out or some folks are traveling. From monthly hikes and weekly Bible studies, to regular worship service times and practice by our CLC Singers, this congregation keeps on going.
While there's value in taking some time to relax and renew and we support that, when it comes to helping more people experience Christ's love, that never stops. Some activities do take a sum more
Spring Is Here
by: Mark Zier
Hilo is an exciting place for a number of reasons. One thing that I enjoy is the variety there is here. While I would honestly love it if the sun were shining brightly everyday, I am always thankful that we live where it's so green and the air is so clean, which wouldn't be possible without all the rain we get.
Spring brings us Easter and the joyful celebration of Christ's resurrection and it also reminds us of new life. As we move from Easter to the season of Pentecost, th more
Updated Communion Practice
by: Mark Zier
Aloha Friends!
I am so excited to share with you that starting Sunday, December 3rd we will be adding back to our Communion practice both individual wafers and cups of wine. As we came out of the lockdown during the pandemic, we implemented, and have continued to use sealed packets of a wafer and cup of juice for Communion. While the packets will still be available, now you will have the opportunity to once again have a separate wafer and cup of wine or juice, if you like. more
Maui Fire Response
by: Mark Zier
Aloha and God's Grace and Peace to you!
The tragic fire this week on Maui that has destroyed much of the town of Lahaina and taken the lives of dozens of people, with a final death count pending, can leave us feeling frightened and uncertain. It also is motivating people to give and show support to the victims. If you would like to make a donation, we know that there is always a concern that the money gets to the people in need and not consumed by administrative costs and more
Summer Season is Here
by: Mark Zier
I love the summer! Maybe in part because it takes me back to my childhood and vacation from school. Summer also makes me think about times with family, whether traveling to visit or going camping with our two sons. I have many fond memories that were formed during the summer.
What does this summer hold for you? Here in Hilo, the weather isn't dramatically different from other times of the year, but there's still a different feel around church and even in the community as ki more
Easter Hope
by: Mark Zier
Christ Is Risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
I love this greeting that we share with each other during the Easter season. This message is still the one that brings hope into our dark world and sometimes, dead lives. We seem to be constantly reminded of the brokenness in our world, but the fact that Jesus rose from the dead is a bold declaration that the darkness, sin and brokenness that came as a result, doesn't get the last word.
Yes, the fact that Jesus rose from the de more
Happy New Year!
by: Mark Zier
Are you ready for a fresh start? Isn't that what many hope for as we turn the calendar to a New Year? Out with old and in with the new!
One of the wonderous things about following Jesus is that he offers us the gift of a fresh start every day or anytime we need or ask. The gift of grace and mercy that transforms the old into something beautiful and glorious. We become a new creation!
So, as you launch into 2023, I invite you come and explore a fresh relationship with God th more
Christmas Joy
by: Mark Zier
While I recognize that the holidays are a challenging and even sad time for many people, for me Christmas is still my favorite holiday of the year. There's nothing like being together with joyful people on Christmas Eve as we sing, celebrate, and light candles in a festive worship service. Spending time with my wife and family is also one of the things that brings me joy. Then there's usually a special cinnamon roll on Christmas morning that gets that wonderful day off to more
Hurricane Relief
by: Mark Zier
The damage from Hurricane Ian is still be assessed, but it's tragically clear that there has been extensive loss of property and also sadly many lives. While we are praying for all involved, some may be looking for tangible ways to offer help. The Florida/Georgia District of our Synod of the Lutheran church is helping channel resources to people and ministries on the ground to meet the needs of people who are hurting.
If you or others are wondering how they can donate to Hu more
COVID Protocols Update
by: Mark Zier
Well, we've been operating with fewer COVID restrictions for a few months, but our Hawaii County moved back into the High-Risk category on Friday (6/17/22), so unfortunately, that means we need to return to some of the restrictions we had dropped.
Our congregation has been very cautious from the beginning of the pandemic and approached these restrictions with the mindset of showing our love and care for one another and our neighbors by the extra measures we've taken. We ha more
Holy Week and Easter 2022
by: Mark Zier
I hope you will make the time to worship with us either in person or here online for the special services during Holy Week. Of course, Sunday April 17th is Easter and we're excited to welcome many friends for that morning at both 8:00 and 10:30. See our EVENTS page for more specifics. Holy Communion will be offered on Maundy Thursday and Easter morning and the Good Friday service is always moving.
With our county COVID numbers staying low, masks are now optional, but more
COVID Protocols Update
by: Mark Zier
Aloha Christ Lutheran Friends!
As you are probably aware, there are changes with the safety requirements by the State of Hawaii coming this weekend. Our Church Council met Tuesday (3/22) evening and agreed on an approach for moving forward here at church. It's understood that COVID will continue to be with us, but as long as our county remains in the low-risk category, there can be a relaxing of some protocols we've had in place since we resumed our in-person worship servic more